Critical changes that become turning points in world history may not always occur from the government or the private sector, but may happen through the work of civil society organizations. This was especially so in the case of the Grameen Bank and the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), both of which have made financial systems at the micro level, or “microfinance”, become a global industry. Read More
Category: Amthaipaper

I had the opportunity to read the November 2018 issue of Scientific American, a popular US science magazine, the articles in which focused on various aspects of the interesting issue of inequality. One article, in particular, written by Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel prize-winning economist, analyzes the causes of US economic inequality and proposes clear guidelines for solving this problem. Read More

How should the government help the poor? : Fixed minimum wage or targeted money transfer?
Poverty is a major problem in developing countries and the world because poverty is an obstacle to human and national development. The United Nations therefore aims to eradicate severe poverty by 2030, which is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Read More

Lessons from Cyprus’s Economic Development
Together with participants from the Senior Executive Program for Nation-Building by Nation – Building Institute, I am in the process of planning a study visit to Cyprus, an interesting country that can provide very useful lessons for Thailand. Read More

Raising Youths with Virtue, Competency and Firm Stance for Nation-Building
The endeavor of Nation-Building towards the Araya vision requires the active engagement of all citizens, and must focus on addressing issues at their roots, instead of merely reacting to current problems that rises to the surface. Read More

Dr. Dan’s Vision: Establishing the Nation-Building University Asia’s Harvard Model
Just as Harvard is the stellar learning establishment for the world’s most brilliant minds, my vision for the Nation-Building University is that it will rise to become a world-class knowledge institution where builders of nations converge. Read More

7HW Model: Overcoming the 7 Human Weaknesses towards Successful Leadership
The ability to make sound decisions is what sets the leaders apart from the followers.
One of the primary characteristics of strong leaders lies in their ability to make wise decisions. The greater the leadership position, the more critical it is for leaders to make shrewd and refined judgements, since the higher role not only brings with it more complex challenges, but also a magnified influence of the leaders’ actions that extends across whole organizations. Read More

The Proposal for Thailand’s 20-Year Logistics Development Strategy
The development of the country’s logistics and supply chain is very important because efficient logistics will reduce the cost of economic activities, increase the volume of transactions and trade, create value in the economy and expand the overall economy. For this reason, the government needs to prioritize the country’s logistics strategy. Recently, I was honored to be a speaker on the topic of “Direction of Development of Thailand’s Logistics System” towards formulation of Thailand’s 20-year logistics strategy (2017 – 2036) at the meeting of the Logistics Study Sub-Committee under the Transport Commission, National Legislative Assembly of Thailand. I made quite a few suggestions for the preparation of the country’s logistics strategy. For example: Read More

Suggestions on Thai Motorway Development
Suggestions on Thai Motorway Development[1]
Recently, I was honored by the Inter-City Motorways Division, Department of Highways to be a keynote speaker for a seminar held on the topic of “Co-thinking & Co-planning for the Future of Thai Motorways”. This event was convened under a project to identify strategies for the development of motor expressways connecting different cities of Thailand. Read More

Recommendations on National Bio-economy Strategy
At the end of April 2016 a coordinating committee consisting of three parties (the Thai Cabinet, the National Legislative Assembly, and the National Reform Steering Assembly) resolved to speed up the Bio-economy Reform Strategy in order to include it in both the National 20 Year Plan and the 12th National Economy & Social Development Plan. Read More